Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I can sew!!!!

Not very good, but i DID it!! so on DAM a friend is host a sewing club - ive always wanted to do it, but never actually did - I will admit I just assumed it was super easy and you could do it fast...well I have a new found respect for those that make those outfits!! and the money they charge!! first of all - for everything I need for one outfit it was $25!! so it is NOT cheaper to make your stuff!! and the 2 hour sew pattern took me about 6 to 8 hours...REMEMBER, though - this was my very first time to even use a sewing machine, so i was realllllllllly slow!! but I did it and it is wearable!!

So my Granny helped me - and by help she just guided me, I actually did 100% of the sewing!! I was so proud of me!! I can't wait to do more things!! This is my last week watching jamie, Im a little sad, but that also means I have thursday to do stuff for ME!!!! The kids went to play with their cousin, Nathan and had TONS of fun!! Nathan has gotten Tanner into Power Rangers, OMG...I am so not sure about the "boy" toys and shows!! I can handle Pixar movies and stuff - but power rangers, YIKES!

Not much else has happened, I just wanted to brag on my sewing ;) McKinlee is out of school tomorrow for the fair, we arent going but hanging out with friends, so Im sure Ill have something to say!! sorry guys we are not to exciting!!

1 comment:

Chelsea said...

I wanna see a pic!