Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Fun at the Fair

So we went to the Fair yesterday...we had rain monday and the air cooled down - it made for a PERFECT fair day yesterday, even chilly at times!! McKinlee went to school and I had some copies to run and I got McKinlee outta school at 10:30 (had to be there for attendance ;) ) then off we went...Chris had the day off as he is going OOT so he went with us!! He did say the ONLY thing we can do is that car show (haha) but he actually gave in a little! we saw elsie the cow - lots of animals to feed - we got to sit in a corvette, and I sat in a Hummer!! if only we could afford one, then i would fit in around Rockwall ;) the kids rode a few rides, Tanner made me laugh so hard - he rode the HUGE rides at 6 flags LAST year but we got on a smaller roller coaster and well he ended up crying...but not to after the ride. he pushed out of the handles RUNNING off the ride....silly boy - so then mckinlee spots 'baby' swings again that Tanner has rode again and again - well he looks at the lady all funny that put him in then smiles for a pics RIGHT before BURSTING into tears!! he FINALLY settles in for the tea cups!! i had lots of laughs from the little guy...even this am, he stated that the "dragon ride" was toooo fast! we had some corny dogs/carmel apples yum yum...why there *IS* a fair!

Chris is OOT for a week - YIKES, good thing we have tons of plans in the coming week...girl scouts, picnic, halloween party, school stuff and more im sure!

some fair pics....

1 comment:

Dawn Endres said...

How Fun! I wanna go but, I'm affaid of losing somebody. The hubby won't take us. He says it's too expensive. What ev!

Poor Tanner....Aw