Saturday, December 8, 2007

Dang It Chel...

Well Hello!! long time No post...HAHAHA well after I posted I read Chelsea's blog and well...she tags me.. i have post post 8 things random interesting things about me...

1. Im not that interested, so this will prolly be boring!!

2. I love purple, everything would be purple if I had my way.

3. I feel natural is the way to go, I am just lazy!! Ive been making myself put on makeup because everyone else does and I feel so frumpy, but man I just love to get up brush the hair and GO!

4. I really try to be trendy, i just can't pull it off...see number 3 *hehe*

5. I love road trips - if not for the kids and stress of them in the car, I would just love to drive the country!! see the world!

6. Speaking of driving, I almost got Chris arrested in Mexico, for MY driving!! hahahaha... Remember this when going to Cozumel, if you rent a car, SERIOUSLY ask for SPECIFIC directions to a gas station..and go straight there, DO NOT pass Go, or Collect $200 bucks!!

7. I collect pressed pennys, Im cheap that is a souvinear I can afford...oh well I guess I also collect shot glasses again a lot because they again, are cheap!!

8. Im a closet Disney Freak....HAHAHAHA OK not so closet on that one, Im an All out Disney freak, bought a Tink shirt today to PROVE it!!

ok theres my 8 - and since I have a felling not many read this...Consider YOURSELF tagged! :D (luv ya)

1 comment:

Dawn Endres said...

Hey! I love purple too! Not lavendar though. I like the deep dark crayon purple. hehe!