Saturday, February 16, 2008

Rain Rain GO AWAY...

Man, will it ever stop - we cancelled our Girl Scout Day Camp due to weather and it is STILL raining...yuck...enough is enough!! although it was nice, I went to lunch with some mamas from DAM. That was nice, Christina picked me and mckinlee up and so we got some girlie time!

Hope everyone had a great VDay!! we Did, my mom went to Tanners Party since his and McKinlee was at the same time, I had to be at McKinlees being room mom - each child did a poem then we made pop tart post cards and played picture bingo, i think the kids had fun! then we ordered out Applebees and got out the FINE China!! I have had my Great Grandmothers china since I got married, haven't used them we did - and nothing was broken YAYYY!! the kids LOVED it we had candles and flowers too!! sooo sweet!!

Tomorrow we are heading to Medieval Times, so to prepare Chris and McKinlee watched Cable Guy (remember they go there in the movie) we are leaving Tanner with my mom, so hopefully we can have some fun! the Plan is to get McKinlee and her friend Chance knighted :)

Take Care, thoughts going out to Chelsea Grandpa...Love to you both and your family!! I think of you all the time, girlie!! (((HUG)))

Everyone sleep well and stay safe!! - HUGS


Dawn Endres said...

I hate it when it rains. It's just too gloomy.

I'm glad you all had a great V-Day!

Chelsea said...

Thanks Rena, for thinking of my Gpa. He is going home today.

I hope the girls had a blast at MT.